Good Practises
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Good Practises

It is a good practise to keep the target directory different from the original directory as any images processed would be overwritten and would not be retrievable. Use the Backup Original function from the program to backup all images which you are about to process.

Burnt a good set of raw images to a recordable media such as a CD or DVD recordable so you could refer to them in the future when you need it.

It is always good to select a small number of images while you are testing different settings so as to reduce the time it takes before you see the results. Once you are happy with the settings, you may load the entire list of images for processing.

When exiting the program, click on File/Exit so that it would save all current settings and perform the necessary memory cleanup.

Although the program allows you to work directly with a digital camera, it is advisable to copy the images to the harddisk and work from there. Digital camera uses battery to power up and if the battery runs low during image processing, it may result in data corruption on the camera media. Use the Backup Original function to copy the images from the digital camera to the harddisk and process from the harddisk instead.